We are the Trustworthy and Secure Software (TSS) group at the National University of Singapore led by Prof. Abhik Roychoudhury. In our research, we strive to enable secure and trustworthy software systems. In line with this, we focus on software testing and analysis, and in particular contribute to the areas of Automated Program Repair, Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution.

Current Projects
- Fuzz Testing (2023-27)
- Automated Program Repair (2022-27)
- Descartes (Intelligent Decision Making for Smart Cities) (2021 - 2026)
Sample Past Projects
- TSUNAMi: Trustworthy Systems from Un-trusted Component Amalgamations
- National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems
- Analysis and Testing of Evolving Software (really old!)
Recent News
- Mar 2025: Our PhD alumni Shin Hwei Tan is the recipient of prestigious ACM-W Rising Star Award.
- Feb 2025: SonarSource SA acquires AutoCodeRover, NUS spinoff on AI for coding.
- August, 2024: We thank Oracle for generous gift towards long-term NUS-Oracle research in cybersecurity.
- April, 2024: AutoCodeRover our AI software engineer catches attention.
- April, 2024: Abhik Roychoudhury chairs ICSE 2024.
- August, 2023: Yannic Noller joins SUTD as Assistant Professor.
- July, 2023: New research program on fuzz testing launched!
- June, 2023: New group webpage launched!
- April, 2023: Shin Hwei Tan joins Concordia University.
- January, 2023: 2023 ICSE MIP Award for SemFix
- November 2022: Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC-FSE) 2022 in Singapore
- August, 2022: 5 year research program on Program Repair starts
- April, 2022: Professor Abhik Roychoudhury recognised with IEEE New Directions Award
- January, 2022: Oracle supports our research on program repair.